能源 storage: How businesses can support power system flexibility for a renewable-powered future

水务署一直站在支持企业加速部署可再生能源解决方案的最前沿 购电协议(PPAs). As the world continues its transition to renewable power sources, 电网内适应性供需的必要性正在成为下一个重点关注的领域. This article delves into the future of an electricity grid with high shares of renewable power, 并特别关注企业在整合能源存储解决方案(ESS)以提高电网灵活性方面的作用. 它提供了从我们在印度的工作中学到的宝贵见解,以说明它们的商业可行性.   

发表: 2023年10月23
作者: Surbhi Singhvi, Manager, 能源 Transformation, WBCSD
类型: 洞察力

企业从实施ESS中获益良多,因为他们能够在更接近电力消耗的时间提供可再生能源. ESS可以特别使能源用户不仅在自己的投资组合中采购更高份额的可再生能源,从而实现净零目标,而且更接近于24X7采购可再生能源, which is key to ensuring grid flexibility.   


越来越多地采用可再生能源正在推动全球能源格局的显著转变. 根据 国际能源署(IEA), renewables are set to become the largest source of global electricity generation by early 2025. 这是实现无碳电力系统和限制气候危机影响的一个重要里程碑. 

在可再生能源领域, the challenge lies in the intermittency of sources like sunlight and wind. As these resources depend on weather conditions, 它们的可用性是波动的, making it difficult to manage a steady supply. 除此之外, 各个部门的电气化, 包括运输和工业, 增加电力需求的可变性. 为了解决这个问题, 电网需要变得更加灵活,适应可再生能源发电的潮起潮落. 在我们向绿色能源发展的过程中,这种转变对于确保我们的电力系统的稳定性和弹性至关重要. 

根据 专家, 通过采用可变的可再生能源供应,到2050年实现一个净零排放的世界,需要电网的灵活性——电力系统每小时应对供需变化的能力——提高四倍. Based on the existing growth of renewables, 主要经济体,比如美国, 欧洲联盟, and China are projected to experience around 40% increase in flexibility needs by 2030, with India standing out with the largest projected increase of around 60%. 

平衡未来电力系统架构的解决方案包括供应侧灵活的发电厂, 需求响应和能量存储. 估计 预测到2050年,储能可满足全球电力系统50%以上的灵活性需求, 因为它有助于平衡供应的可变性,同时使消费者能够更多地消耗自己产生的可再生能源,并减少将多余的电力反馈给电网的需求. 

India’s energy storage revolution: a guiding light for global transition work   

India is on the brink of an energy revolution. As the third-largest power consumer in the world, 印度政府宣布了到2070年实现净零排放的目标,并在2030年之前确保50%的电力来自可再生能源. 的 国际能源机构预测 印度的电网灵活性需求是世界上最高的,因为该国的需求正在快速发展.  

For ESS adoption to support grid flexibility, there are several regulatory and market barriers including high costs, 缺乏详细的发电和消费数据,市场设计不完善. 在这个转变中, 印度是一盏指路明灯, 作为政策制定者, regulators and businesses have taken progressive steps to accelerate the adoption of ESS.  

  • India’s regulations mandate that distribution utilities and commercial & 工业(C&I) consumers source 4% of their electricity from energy storage by 2030. This mandate provides the required initial demand signal for market development. 
  • To reduce the cost of battery energy storage systems (BESS), Indian policy makers have put in place a 生存能力缺口资助计划 with an envisaged development of 4 GWh of BESS projects by 2030-31. 其目标是使储存的可再生能源成为管理全国峰值电力需求的商业可行选择.  
  • 资源充足指引 《正规博彩十大网站排名》(IEGC)重新关注将可再生能源纳入部门规划,并利用储能解决方案实现资源充足性. 根据这些, 配电公司将制定科学的综合资源计划,以确保在未来5-10年内有足够的发电或需求响应资源供应,以可靠地满足预期的高峰需求. 
  • 包括JSW集团和塔塔集团在内的几家印度公司正在建立与ESS合作的可再生能源项目,为其运营提供全天候电力.  

What have we learned from the applications in India? 

WBCSD has been actively promoting the deployment of ESS to distribution utilities and C&印度的消费者. 我们的 最新的研究结果 以当前成本计算, it already makes commercial sense to adopt ESS for the following applications in India: 


Managing periods of peak power demand on the grid, which happen for only a few hours in a year, 这是一个具有挑战性和昂贵的努力吗. Coal-based power plants have conventionally been used to meet the peak load in India. 除了它们的高碳强度, 缺点是它们不能经常增加或减少发电量来实时平衡需求. ESS, 另一方面, 可以有效地存储在低需求期间产生的多余电力,并在高峰时段几乎立即部署这些电力,以减轻电网的压力,并避免昂贵的高峰需求费用&I consumers and infrastructure upgrades for distribution utilities. ESS not only enhance grid stability but also contribute to its overall efficiency, promoting a more sustainable and resilient power ecosystem. 


Frequent grid outages pose a significant challenge for numerous industries, 导致使用柴油发电机的费用增加或生产停机造成的收入损失. ESS通过储存可再生能源以备电网中断时使用,提出了一种创新且具有成本效益的替代方案, substantially reducing dependence on diesel generators. 通过采用ESS, companies can not only lower operational costs and complexities, 同时也减少了碳足迹, making strides towards sustainability and efficiency. 

Other applications of ESS for distribution utilities and C&I users can be explored in detail in the 完整的报告


当我们展望未来, energy storage stands as a pivotal ally in unlocking the true potential of renewable power. Businesses have a remarkable opportunity to lead the charge by embracing ESS. While governments lay the groundwork for ESS through policy and regulatory frameworks, businesses should start their analysis of business cases. 通过访问和分析有关功耗和发电的细粒度数据,并确定适合ESS部署的应用程序, companies can learn to understand the commercial viability for ESS adoption, 以及如何在支持实现雄心勃勃的可再生能源采购目标的同时提高他们的底线. ESS, by increasing availability of renewable power, 通过支持绿色氢的生产和使用以及工业和建筑的供暖和制冷电气化,也将证明对除电力以外的能源的脱碳至关重要吗.   


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